Baldwin Hamey

Portrait from the Royal College of Physicians via

All Hallows Hamey memorial

All Hallows by the Tower: Hamey memorial

All Hallows Hamey memorial

detail with the family coat of arms

Armorial bearings of my family from The Visitation of London, 1633

Armorial bearings of my family from The Visitation of London, 1633


You can read the biography shown above if you want to know more about me, but if you feel that might be overdoing it a bit, there is also a Wikipedia page where the basic facts of my life are listed, so if you are interested, click here:

2 thoughts on “Baldwin Hamey”

  1. Louis Parperis said:

    I stumbled across your two magnificent sites/blogs by accident this morning and they have made my day. The painstaking research you have done to provide verifiable detailed support to everything that is posted here goes beyond being hugely impressive and is a testament to your love for London’s history. So much of what I see elsewhere is nothing more than speculation or hearsay and it really is thrilling to see what you have managed to accumulate for the benefit of others.

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